Ariella Green Week 9: “Today Means Amen” by Sierra Demulder

Ariella Green Week 9: “Today Means Amen” by Sierra Demulder

My poet, Sierra Demulder, is a performance poet. This week I decided to click on one of her videos instead of reading one of her works for a change. The poem “Today Means Amen”, is quite popular and she has included many reviews about this poem on her website. Before reading the poem, I thought that the poem was going to be religious because she used the word amen, and I feel like it’s something a preacher would say. The more I watched the video, I felt that spiritual was a better word to classify this poem because the message I take away from this poem is being thankful for today and how I got to today. 

Once I finished watching the poem, I was almost emotional. Sierra’s voice is reassuring and full of love and sympathy. She reminds me of a kind aunt you would bring your problems to, and instead of criticizing you, she supports you and makes you feel heard. She ends the poem with her purpose which was for her to tell her audience that “[They] made it. [They] made it. [They] made it. Here”. As someone in her audience, she makes me feel more stronger and empowered than I was before watching. I am reminded that today is a gift, and that all I’ve been through has led to this moment, I have made it. 

I think it was a very smart choice to have this poem performed and videoed. The video included people with signs that said “I made it” and she included clips of herself reading in a city-like setting and in her own home. Demulder often used gestures when she spoke directly to the audience to connect with them through a virtual screen. As she read, she was able to stress the words she found important for her audience to take away, and her sentences did not all sound alike. There was a rhythm, but she took her time to say certain lines more definite than others. I encourage you all to watch performance poetry because sometimes, poets can be very confusing, but through performances, I feel like you’re able to gain a better understanding of their message. 

Question: Out of curiosity, has anyone ever been to a poetry slam?

"Today Means Amen".  image

Ink Blots: 'Today Means Amen' by Sierra DeMulder – Bookbed


  1. I have never been to a poetry slam. I don't know if it is something that I would enjoy, but I am definitely open to checking it out.

  2. I have never been to a poetry slam or even seen any sort of performance poetry, but the way you describe the poem and how you got so much more out of it through seeing the poet read it makes me want to try it out. The poem has such a great meaning behind it because even when I think about it, everything that goes on in my life and anything that will go on in my life, doesn’t matter because I made it or I will make it. I love that line. It reassures you that you are doing great and keeps you motivated to work and enjoy every day, every second of your life.


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