Adi Chaham week 10: Naps


    I dislike naps. I find that most people enjoy taking naps but there are very few that don’t, and I am one of those people. 

I can’t explain it, but naps just ruin my entire day and I find sleeping at night to be much more beneficial than falling asleep after school. 

Let me try to explain using the most simple scenario. You just had a long day at school so you come home. Instead of doing your homework or doing whatever you usually do after school, you fall asleep. An hour to two passes and it's now 6pm. Now, this is the part that bothers me the most. Maybe it just happens to me but you wake up all confused as to what time it is and bam, the rest of your day gets messed up. Then, I don’t have the energy to do my homework but I'm not tired enough to go to sleep. 

That’s it! That’s the beauty of naps that I dislike. It's not much yet it's so much.

However, as much as I dislike them, I could argue for the other side. I understand that people work differently and if they are very tired after school, this nap could be beneficial. If you come home from school and are so tired that you can’t function, a nap is probably the best way to go. Furthermore, I’m no nap expert but maybe if you nap often enough, the waking up all confused doesn’t happen to you quite as often. 

Speaking of naps, in Israel, Saturdays are of course, rest days but on Saturdays afternoons, everyone takes naps. Whether you’d be Orthodox, reform, keep shabbat, not keep shabbat, everyone or most people since almost everything is closed, takes naps. 

What are your thoughts on naps? Are you on team nap? Or on team sleep at night?

Longer naps may awaken these four health issues - Vital Record


  1. I think I’m on team sleep at night. I always say I’m going to go home and take a nap, but I never can. I just know that I am going to sleep and not wake up, and if I do then I am groggy and I can’t do anything after. Obviously, like you said, if I’m sick or if I’m running on zero sleep then I’ll nap, but on a regular day, I am tired after school, but I have to keep going, get everything done and then sleep straight through the night. Naps are great, but I think sleeping at night is way better.

  2. Conscious napping is not a skill I am able to do. When I am extremely tired, I could fall asleep on the spot, but once I consciously get up to lay down in bed I am wide awake. The feeling of waking up after a nap, dreading looking at the clock to see how much time you just wasted, is also awful. I prefer to sleep at night, and if I am very tired, I have a small amount of a caffeinated drink to get me through the day and then go to bed early.


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