Rosalie Weiss- Week 4- Space is Cool
I have always had a fascination with space. I think the mystery and endlessness of it is scary yet interesting. There is so much to be explored and so much that will never be explored, and humans will likely never see a fraction of our galaxy. Still, we need to keep exploring because you never know.
Neptune is my favorite planet in our solar system as I believe that it is the prettiest one. It is the eighth planet in our solar system. It is an ice giant. A day on Neptune is about 16 hours and a Neptunian year is about 165 earth years. Neptune’s atmosphere is mostly made up of molecular hydrogen, atomic helium, and methane. Sadly, it would take about 12 earth years to reach Neptune, and we will likely never see anyone go there in our lifetime. Another thing we will likely never see in our lifetime is another intelligent life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
I think it is obvious that aliens exist. To me, it seems impossible that out of the whole universe, we would be the only form of intelligent life or life at all. I think that aliens would come in all shapes and sizes. Mermaids, dragons, giants, fairies, and other mythical creatures could all exist just on different planets. I think that would be pretty cool.
Space is super cool and I could talk about it for a long time. What do you think? What is your favorite planet in our solar system? Do you believe in aliens?
I also think that there has to be aliens out there somewhere. In such a boundless universe I find it hard to believe that we could be the only ones to ever have existed in 13.8 billion years of a cosmic lifetime. My favorite planet in the solar systems Venus. Some scientists posit that the first life in the solar system existed there, dying after Venus's version of global warming turned the planet into an uninhabitable wasteland. But who knows what lurks there in thick clouds of methane?