Leah Nagle - Week 4 - College is Stressing Me Out

I feel like the second we started this school year, everyone (including myself) started freaking out about college. It’s funny to me that everyone talks about how stressful junior year is and how senior year is super chill, because that has definitely not been my experience. For me, in junior year, college was only a distant thought and my workload was manageable, but now, in senior year, I am so incredibly stressed with school, the SAT, and college applications. 

Although I know that I am up to date with my college application work, it always feels like I’m behind because I’ll hear from a friend that they’re ahead of me. It makes me so stressed and I hate it, so I try to not compare myself to others, but it’s hard, ya know? There really is so much that goes into college applications that I didn’t even realize until now and that stresses me out. 

On top of the actual work that has to be done in order to apply to college, another thing that’s stressful about the process is deciding which school you actually want to go to. The recent college trip that the school took us on definitely helped me calm down a bit about it, but I still don’t know where I want to go, even though I have an idea. It scares me because it’s such a huge decision, I mean, whatever I decide now is going to be my life for the next four years. 

Another thing about college that scares me is the huge change that college will bring into my life. Although I know that I am ready to journey into the next stage of my life, I am still scared. I know that I will be happy, but I am someone who just doesn’t handle change well and I don’t want to be too far away from my family. 

What about you? How are you feeling about college applications and actually going to college? Are you stressed about it like me? 


  1. I feel you. After hearing that people are almost done with their applications when I still have some work to go just makes me feel unprepared. I know a few places that I could see myself going, but I want to hear if I was accepted before I really make up my mind. Also, if you end up not liking the college you go to, you are always able to transfer to another school.

  2. I completely agree with you. Everyone said senior year would be a break but it seems three times as difficult. The college admissions process is very stressful to add on top of everything else. Although some people claim that colleges put students head to head competitively to choose their acceptances, I find that viewing the college admissions process as a personal matter independent of others helps reduce the intense pressure. I hope that when it is all over in the Spring, we will all get to attend our dream schools and go on to achieve our goals.

  3. I totally agree with all of your concerns. I was stressed enough junior year but could manage. Now, the stress of senior year classwork is still there, on top of having 20 other things to do at the same time. All the worrying about college is spilling into my class life and affecting my grades. Hopefully we'll just get through it together and everything will work out the way it's supposed to!

  4. I agree with you. The entire process has been so stressful, but I have honestly decided to take it as it goes. To me, there is no point of stress (easier said than done!). We are going to get through this!


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