Ben Heller Week 4- What To Do With Back To School
Up until about two weeks ago, I thought I had been handling the growing workload with college prep and school very well. My summer assignments had been completed and I was ready to begin the school year. It seemed to me that Senior Year would entail a lighter school workload so that I could focus more on the ACT, college essays, and completing/submitting monologues, songs, and dances for my college pre-screens. I was wrong.
These past two weeks have been some of the most stressful of my life. It seems that no matter how I budget by time or choose which work to complete first I always fall short. After I finish my homework for school I have to take practice ACTs. Then I have to work on college essays (which are way different than normal school essays), after that I have to read multiple plays either for my prescreen college admissions process or for the Theater Production for school. It’s been pretty hard to manage all that along with having a social life.
How does one keep their sanity through all this? I honestly don’t know, but there are a few ways you can try. 1) Make sure you find time to spend with your friends- it’s important to be thinking and doing things other than work, it keeps the mind fresh and can help with creativity. 2) Use organizers like google calendar to efficiently and effectively budget out your time. 3) Set realistic, concrete goals for yourself.
This third method is the most important. If you don’t set realistic goals for yourself, you’ll easily become overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done. Make sure, especially for assignments that have far-off due dates, that you work a little bit each day, in order to save yourself time and a headache. Lastly, keep on keepin’ on. In other words, keep in mind that this condition is not permanent. You’re working towards a goal that will benefit you in the long run, such as college.
Of course, there’s also the argument that it’s all useless. We’re subject to the whims of random college counselors who come from far away, and who hold our lives in the balance. There’s nothing we can do about that. We have to trudge on and hope that we’ve earned ourselves a place among the brightest and the best.
I totally understand what you're trying to say. I am hoping that the second semester of senior year will be a breeze and all our hard work and effort will have paid off.